Individuals who struggled and emerged better than ever.

About Me
Every individual hits a low point in life. For me, I hit my low point after I graduated high school. My goal was to eliminate my insecurities that brought me down from my past. I started my journey towards a better me: physically, mentally, and spiritually. Years later, I can confidently say I achieved what I set out to accomplish. The process was tough navigating through trial and error but the process teaches you in order to make your vision a reality, you need to struggle. In order to emerge, the struggle is necessary. Emerso, is derived from the Latin phrase “Luctor Et Emergo” which translates to “I struggle, and I emerge”. My next goal is to apply the accumulated knowledge and information to assist others in achieving their fitness-related goals. I want to be able to make the process efficient, enjoyable, and sustainable while maintaining the core principles on achieving results.
– experience working with over 30+ clients
– nasm personal trainer certification
– nutrition certification
– over 10+ years of experience in natural bodybuilding/weightlifting

Rajiv is a Qualified Personal Trainer.
Workout Plan
Online workout plan updated and managed daily.
Nutritional Structure
Diet structure
Learning and understanding the fundamentals of nutrition.
Daily check-ins and communication to ensure accountability throughout the journey.
Exercise Technique Development
Exercise technique will be developed and corrected to safely and effectively perform each movement.
Online video tutorials to access on the fly.

EMERSO LLC will equip you to be the strongest and best version of yourself. You will learn healthy lifestyle habits influenced by science including but not limited to: strength and mobility training, technical development, better understanding of nutrition, and physical conditioning.